Traverus Compensation plan is way better than YTB. I sold travel and recruited through YTB so I am speaking from the checks I get. More people can duplicate Traverus for the 119.00 start up VS the 500 Start up in YTB. So more people are making money. I have been promoted 3 times in just 6 months. I am now a National Director there are only 16 people on this level today. there are two positions above that and only one person is above me. I have already help 14 other people to date obtain regional executive bonues.. I am so glad I made the change this is much more duplicatible fun and easy.
We are really growing our team by giving a free cruise to everyone who joins.
go to thats the only place you can get that offer.
Give me a call if you have any question about the Traverus Compensation plan.