Why Did I Choose Traverus Travel? A looong story I am going to share.
First A little about me. I have been Pastoring for 10 years. I have always worked full-time in management in corporate America and put money into my ministries. I have built the number one sales teams and Departments for Companies Like MCI, Allstate, Ameritech, and most recently Retired with the #1 sales team in the nation, in the home equity division of Wells Fargo Bank. I have never wanted to live out of an offering plate and wanted to be a blessing not a burden do my ministry. Once I started a new Ministry from the ground up in my home town I knew I could not keep up the corporate schedule and effectively grow the church, so I began to look for ways to start my own business and make money working from home. I went to the small business administration and did research on starting my own Travel Agency knowing the economic power of the baby boomers retiring.

What I discovered was very interesting. 82% of all Travel booked the previous year was booked online. People no longer go to the yellow pages to find travel. They go on the internet browse a few sites and pull out thier credit cards and input thier personal information with no questioned asked and no one to call. The light bulbs went off and I began to do further research and realized I would not be able to get the funding to compete with the Expedia's and Orbitz and William Shatner(Captain James T. Kirk) Funny Commercials for priceline.
So I decided to look for a Company that would allow me to get my foot in the industry and Joined YTB your Travel Biz in December of 06. I gladly sent my Travel Portal out to all of my Contacts and had people booking travel on my website in an automated fashion. I was excited to say the least. All the wind was taken out of my sail when I got my first Travel Commission Check. That is when I discovered the World Choice Split on Commissions with YTB before I saw a dime. It was obvious this was not where the money was made. So I began to focus on building a networking business with YTB. I introduced the concept to people who had already booked travel with me and began to speak to those I knew. This was back in Jan of 07 before all of the problems you see YTB has now.
Even at that time with the Economy doing well as interest rates were low and everyone was getting into the real estate industry. I was at the peak of my career with Wells Fargo Bank. I am so glad I did not keep all my eggs in that one basket, look at how the market has changed.
What I found was even then $500 was to high of a price point to grow a networking business unless you have Huge contacts of people with money who have huge contacts of people with money who all believe in the Network marketing model.
I knew then that I would need experienced Network marketers so I went to the internet to reach out to the competition to introduce them to what I felt was the best Travel Network on the Planet. This is how I first came across TraVerus. My Goal was simple and direct! Get these unknown Traverus agents introduced to YTB. What I discovered as I began to compare the two so I could show everyone why Traverus was better was an Eye Opener! YTB business model of having you pay $500 to join and another $150 for what they call Certified REFERRAL Agent training is not to put you in position to sell travel like a licenced travel agent like TraVerus Does, It's just money to fund the upline bonus compensation plan. Sadly many people who have never been taught travel don't know the difference. They just wander around talking about travel be never being actually taught how to execute it. Now with the Loss of IATA and major suppliers the game is up. They could not function like a fully licenced TraVerus Travel Agent if they wanted to.
When I discovered this in March of 07 while comparing the two and trying to recruit for YTB! I did the no brainer and joined Traverus for under $200 bucks and shared it with those I had already talked to about YTB and like the Idea of being in Travel but did not have the $500 to get started.
At that same time YTB Coach Tomer Sold a Million Dollars of stock shares and Tanked the stock from $15 a share to less than $1 and it has never recovered. Then it just kept going down hill from there.
They lose their IATA Credentials due to abuse of allowing non travel agents use Industry Travel perks as the promoted them through their presentations to Travel as an Insider and take fam trips.
Then Royal Caribbean Terminates their relationship with YTB. Which is responded by a huge push with a video to follow of all YTB agents purchase cruise vouchers for their friends and family. Then Perillo Tours separates themselves. As a result of losing the IATA Credentials the agents and only book through major hotels through their websites. They can no longer book direct with Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton.
Then more news comes out about inside deals meanwhile yahoo financial reports show the undercover sale off of stock from all upper management even while the stock is at a record low?
Then their own attorney threatens to sue them if they don't correct the major problems with their business model even asking them to refund the Fake CRTA training money. He knew what was going to happen and it Did.
Huge California AG Lawsuit which is their largest operating state. Now directors are spinning that the AG is just looking for money and does not even have his Attorneys license anymore!? I has enough power to sue you for a marketing practice that does not deliver the product of Travel. Should have listened to your own attorneys lawsuit against you.
Then a Class action lawsuit from former reps in Illinois. The people are going to win that one folks. The compensation plan on http://www.ytb.com/ shows the 80% of the reps are not making a single dime in 12 months. The fat cats of the company state its people not going to work or following a system. I guess they feel people like me just could not cut it. Well that could not be farther from the truth as person after person like myself who did not make much or even their investment back and were never trained to sell travel, have found a real home with TraVerus and its a night and day experience.
Pastor Brewer what do you have against YTB? You I know I still have friends over there struggling seeing the major fall off and have lost thousands. I don't have any lawsuits myself and no one in the company has done anything wrong to me. I think that YTB is a Good company gone wrong with poor management decision. I don't like it when companies fail and effect so many other people, but worse when they cover up or are silent about the truth. That is what really got under my skin the most. The never said the truth up front about all these problems until the word got out through the grapevine by people transitioning To a more stable travel company as Traverus. Look at what happens when banking executives fail in their decisions and ethics in the mortgage industry. YTB with hundreds of thousands of reps is going to effect allot of people financially in these already tough economic times.

Now they have thrown a bone about a YTB Franchise Deal in 09 and once again go silent and silence everyone else online about it. I am entitled to my opinion right. This is America right! Everything I have said is public news and not made up right. But notice how anyone who speaks the truth is called the one who does not have integrity when it comes to this company that has opened its arms to Networking leaders to bring over their downlines from other companies and is now Terminating Directors like you would not believe!
Because of all of the Attrition it is reported that the Directors may lose their paid insurance and take salary pay cuts. (Wait did I say Salary) Yes the monthlys are down due to the loss and they cannot sustain the big dog payouts.
Meanwhile in Traverus I have grown a prosperous business in over 25 countries. Retired from Wells Fargo and the Mortgage industry (whew) Have helped 50 other people get out of corporate America in less than a Year. Bought my first Home and home schooling my grandchildren.

I love Traverus because more people are succeeding and that makes me sleep better know those I share an opportunity with I don't have to go back and explain alot of negative info and why I did not share it upfront. It's 1/2 the price and has more value and Traverus is Fully International and Operational in 98 Countries. It not only made sense its making allot of dollars for many more people than just me.
If you in YTB I am not against you I am trying to help you see something you can't when your inside. Take a step back and look. If Traverus had they problems would you join it? That is why when it comes to comparing YTB vs Traverus there really is no comparison Pay $500 for all of YTB baggage and try to grow a team in spite of it all or Fresh new liscened International Taverus for 199? Is that a choice many have to think about?
Listen drop pride and emotions and look at it logically pray about it and follow your conscience. I could not in good conscience promote YTB.
What makes Traverus Different!
26 Year old Brick and Mortar Travel Company. Will never have the problems YTB has as we have different business models and marketing practices. No videos about bonuses and cars and getting fam trip discounts and we don't give out ID cards with IATA #'s. We have our own member trips. You get real Travel Agent Credeintials after completing the test and we Sell Travel. Traverus is also building its own resorts and will be a Travel Supplier! Traverus has Goverment officials in many countries on board with us as Partners. We don't have a High start up cost. What I like about Traverus I have more people not paying any monthly fee than I can count which is a huge retention piece.
Listen Give me a call and get the details about Traverus and why I and so many others have experienced a Night and Day difference since we Changed.
Pastor Brewer515-962-9267
International Executive