The Best compensation plan in the networking industry just got better. Many people in fail trying to earn a additional income working from home and online. They are told lies like they did not follow "The System", or they were not coachable or teachable, or what they were doing was no duplicatible. These Statements have a percentage of truth in the equation. However the major component for success is not the Product which are usually very good and of higher quality than traditional retail products.
The foundational principal of succeeding in a home based business is how will you be compensated for your time and effort of the goods and services you believe in and promote.
The problem is most of the companies do not pay high (roi) return on investment for the average producer in thier compensation plan. The people who usually make significant incomes are the people who have the extroverted personalities, the born leaders and saleman type. The people who have what they call the gift of gab naturally they are the people that succeed in corporate america, in non profits, in pulpits, in life in general.
What is your life me. Someone who has never been in this industry before. Came to the table with little experience. How did I grow a profitable business and have many others on my team doing the same world wide.
It's Simple!
The Traverus Compensation plan rewards the little guy like know one else. I know for a fact Traverus Travel has more people earning a residual income in its first two years than any other company in our industries history! Period. I looked at the other companies...I switched from the other companies. I good not in good conscience see people who are struggling in life struggle in an opportunity.
In 11 months of sitting in my home and showing people how to market online just like your reading this we have thousands of free ads all over the world wide web and we are teaching 18 year olds and 75 year old retiree's make 6 figure incomes with a ZERO marketing budget.
This is blessing so many peoples lives and I am so glad to be apart of helping people spiritually and financially. Traverus Travel has been my Recession proof answer. I retired from a 6 year career at Wells Fargo Bank before the Crisis and I am so glad I diversified my income while things were going well.
Now I am able to home school my children. I have bought my first home during this economic crisis. I have taking two dream vacations to the caribbean with my family because of the Traverus Travel Compensation plan.
Now is the Time to take action. I don't care where you find yourself fincially. I don't care how many times you have been burned, lost money, been used, been solicited to buy more and more things with no results.
Pastor Brewer can help you. I do daily trainings and 1 on 1 coachings. I have have promoted the most people on my team in the company. I am an International Executive in the Company and second in the company. I have help 2 others become International Executives There are only 4 in the company and my team has 3.
Give me a Call no matter your situation I Will help you.
Pastor Brewer
International Executive
Traverus Travel
Traverus Travel Zero1 wireless cellular mobile phone service
global verge buzzirk mobile communications ACN Lightyear alliance FDI International Proxycomm