Traverus Travel is a 22 Year old Licensed and Bonded Brick and Mortar Debt Free, Fully International Travel Agency based out of Allen Texas. Traverus operates in 98 Countries and has Ministers of Tourism in many countries as Travel Agents with our Company.

Listen to this official Conference Call of the Partnership with Traverus China!
John Hurley & Dr Susan Pattis on Our Traverus Presidential Call.

Dr. Susan Pattis is a Chinese American Living and working in Beijing, China since 1996. Dr. Pattis is the founder and Chairman of ChinaClicks2 International Consulting Company Ltd(CC2) one of the most reputable wholly-owned foreign consulting firms in China (http://www.51prc.com.cn/)
Susan aslo serves as the Deputy Charman of the United World Chinese Association (based in Hong Kong) with over 50 million overseas Chines Members, in over 100 countries. Because of her contributions to several national projects, Susan is considered one of the most successful businesswomen in China and a National ICON!
Dr Susan Pattis will be on the Traverus Converance Cruise in November along with other Chinese Delegates. Here what her vision is with Traverus Travel on the Link above.

Traverus Travel China will soon become a Global Household name as we will be the first Internationally advertised Travel Company on all 5 Continents and the First into China. Those who are on board before this momentum hits are in the million dollar seats of the largest travel company in History. From The Citizens of China alone booking thier Travel through a western company for the first time is Huge and will make us the most profitable Travel company in History.
Give me a call and Get yourself positioned. I have been doing this since March of 07 and in 11 Months I have already replaced my income and retired at the age of 38 from my management position at Wells Fargo Banks. Over 30 other people on our team have also been able to Retire. Traverus is REAL! Now I am able to focus on Full Time Minstry and NEVER have to ask for an offering again!